• Thoroughly clean the substrate using both water and solvent borne cleaning agents, prior to sanding.  It is also advised to work in small areas, cleaning and rinsing the area frequently with clean water. 
  • Check for ‘grease-free’ cleanliness by wetting the surface with clean fresh water. 
    • If no ‘water-break’ is observed, then the surface may be considered grease-free. 
    • If a break is detected, re-wash and re-rinse as above. 
  • Allow to dry.


  • Sand by hand or machine using P240- P400. The grade of sandpaper used will be relevant to the condition of the substrate. 
  • Dust off area thoroughly. 
  • Clean area with suitable degreaser.
    • Always use the two-rag method. ie. One on, one off, 
      changing rags often. 
  • Clean area with tack rag ready for painting. 


  • Always wear recommended PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
  • Always use a good quality 10mm mohair roller sleeve and or Nylon/Polyester brush, suitable for use with solvents, to obtain optimum results.
  • Roll or brush out a section that can be comfortably worked on (bearing in mind the 3-5 minute wet-edge hold out time), being careful not to overload paint thickness particularly on the vertical.
  • Always use R400 Slow Reducer for roller or brush application. The use of the 4:1:2 thinning ratio may be used in the final coat to aid the levelling or flow out.
  • Tip off the rolled or brushed paint with the wetted-out brush to remove roller stipple, and brush marks. Always finish off with vertical strokes on large flat upright areas with a wetted-out brush. Continue with rolling or brushing as quickly as possible in order to retain the applied paints wet edge.
  • For large surface areas, it would be advisable to paint as a two-person team, one rolling or brushing with the other tipping off immediately behind.
  • Normally 2-3 coats are required to obtain the required film build, keeping in mind that a final sand before polishing may be required. Once again this is relevant to the condition of the substrate.
  • Depending on film build obtained, leave to cure for 1-2 hours between coats. 2 hours would be the maximum time allowable before sanding between coats when normal film build has been obtained.
  • Lightly sand with P600 grit paper to de-nib and de-gloss between coats.
  • Clean area thoroughly as previously described before applying additional coats. It is advisable to test an area first when cleaning with solvent borne cleaners to prevent any unnecessary marking of the surface.
  • Re-apply Durepox Clear as described above to obtain a desirable finish.
  • Once completed, leave to cure overnight. Sand and polish if required.


  • Always wear recommended PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
  • Ensure thorough cleaning/degreasing has been performed prior to each coating stage, as this has a direct effect upon coating adhesion.
  • Ensure all surfaces are clean and dry prior to coating.
  • Follow product TDS where applicable.
  • Read and follow all safety information on the TDS before starting.
  • Always keep your brush or roller lubricated with fresh paint.
  • Do not apply upon surfaces in direct sunlight.
  • Weather conditions are vital to the overall look of the finished job:
  • Minimum ambient temperature 8°C
  • Maximum ambient temperature 30°C
  • Maximum relative humidity 85%
  • If in doubt always contact your local supplier of products.

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